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6. Shape of paintings

What is the shape of the following paintings?

1. s _ _ _ _ _

2. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ar

3. c _ _ _ _ _ ar

4. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ar

5. o _ _ _

Lesson 21.

  1. Reading

Read the text:

What Is a “Masterpiece”?

Some exceptional paintings are said to be “great” rather than “good.” These works of art are called masterpieces. A masterpiece is more than a picture of something. It also tells a story and excites strong emotions in the viewers.

A masterpiece calls on all the senses. Viewers might smell the sea, taste a peach, or even feel motion. In the dreariness of winter, a masterpiece can transport viewers to a bright spring. The next time you view a painting, ask yourself what senses it awakens. A masterpiece makes viewers feel what they see. Ancient cave paintings of stampeding bison reflect the terror in the animals’ eyes. They tell the viewer something about fear.

Loneliness, joy, hope, unhappiness, and courage—these are some of theemotions great artists call upon in creating their masterpieces.

A masterpiece gives clues about the artist’s world, culture, and character. By choice of subject, artists reflect their surroundings and their state of mind. During his “blue period,” for example, the 20th century artist Pablo Picasso painted the poor people of Paris. The main color of the works was blue—a color which often symbolizes sadness. Like the color, Picasso’s subjects were sad.

During this time in his life, Picasso himself was poor and unhealthy.

The next time you go to a museum or look in an art book, take a closer look at a great painting. By studying the masterpiece, see what facts about history or the artist you can discover.


1. What eleven-letter noun in the reading

means “a great work of art”? m_______________________

2. What six-letter plural noun in the reading

names a category that includes sight,

hearing, smell, taste, and touch? s _______________________

3. What eight-letter plural noun in the

reading names a category that includes

loneliness, joy, fear, and hope? e _______________________


C omplete the crossword puzzle with words from the reading. Clue words are synonyms(words with a similar meaning) of the answer words.


4. bravery, valor

6. feelings


1. charging, rushing

2. civilization

3. buffalo

5. observer, onlooker


Connotations are the feelings and ideas we associate with certain words. For example, the word skinny sounds negative, but the word slender suggests positive feelings. Write a plus sign (+) for positive or a minus sign (–) for negative to show the connotations of the words from the reading.

1. __ dreariness 2. __ hope 3. __ joy 4. __ loneliness 5. __ spring

Write another word from the reading that has a positive connotation. _______________________

Write another word from the reading that has a negative connotation. _______________________